Saturday 25 March 2017


The Attic

written by: Kara Jackman

Musicians. Always musicians. It never failed she always fell for them. She stood, smoking a cigarette, waiting for the Pathfinder to come into sight. The Fall wind blew through her hair as she looked over at the chapel nearby and smirked to herself, shook her head. There is no God. Her mind raced. She was worried about her closest relative, her Aunt, sick with complications from Cancer, her job because she was hardly showing up, her boyfriend, not to mention the oral infection which left her with a missing tooth and, of course, the ever-present depression that would not let up.
"Damn, it, where the fuck is he?," she muttered to the sewer drain. She checks her cell phone. Nothing.
Having to tolerate the space between her two ears was just too much. Luckily, the sickeningly sweet excitement and physical hum throughout her body, quieted it. The nicotine didn't hurt either.
Another five minutes go by and she thinks about just going home. She's hungry and has been at work all day. Facing her Aunt is too difficult, though. Such a strong, kind woman taken down by Cancer. It is completely unfair. Before she can take a step to head to the garage, the Pathfinder pulls up in front of the chapel. She gets in.
Punk blares through the speakers, the smell of stale marijuana, body odor and cigarettes fills her nostrils. She kicks empty coffee cups and fast food wrappers aside and pulls the door closed.
"Hey, how's your Aunt?" he says.
"Not great," brushing the topic aside. He doesn't need to know. "Where are we headed?"
"I got to stop by my mom's house and get a few things. Then we can head over to the Attic and have some fun."
"Alright," she laughs knowingly.
He smiles, puts the car in gear and pulls away.

Every time she did this, she said it would be the last. Hell, every time she talked to him she said she would never speak to him again. Something always kept pulling her back to him. The conversations were always good, politics, atheism, music and their own individual pasts. He had a decent looking face, a bad-boy past that included jail time and a consistent record of petty theft. No ambitions. No job. And, most importantly, no qualms about giving oral sex. He rarely showered, unless it stood between him and a blowjob. He wasn't the kind to "bring home to Mom." So why was she in this car, driving toward the highway, further and further away from where she should be: seeking comfort and safety.
Her stomach especially wanted to know.
Fiddling with the radio tuning dial he asks, "What is our local BBC station?"
"Hmm, it's either 99.9 or AM1010, I think. Why what's going on?" she asked.
"I'm just following up on something I was talking about online. A few friends were discussing China. I would like to hear what the BBC has to say."
He spent his days on social networking sites, arguing with people about everything from UFO's to the Bush administration. Today, they must have been discussing the economic boom in China.
"Yeah, the fucking U.S. media is too bias. They just want to hear the sound of their own voices. God, knows China's taking over the world."
"Fuck yeah," she said convincingly, but not really caring.
Finally, arriving at the home. He gets out. She always stays in the car. She has never been invited inside. The first time he made the trip with her, it was awkward. Sitting in the car, alone, her thoughts raced even more. She tried to focus her attention on her surroundings, looking at the small houses, the tightly-packed working class neighborhood. This was not her world. She came from an upper, middle class town of manicured lawns and large homes.
Today, she ignored the neighborhood and rummaged through her bag for food. Half a granola bar, a Jolly Rancher and a mint. She ate and checked email on her cell phone.
He surprised her when he opened the door to the car. Mail and other papers in hand, he was ready to go.
"I checked to see if my friend next door had some pot, but he didn't. Maybe I can score at the attic."
"Ok," she replied.
The Attic was a practice space for local musicians and bands. He practiced there many times. She had never been inside because there was never any reason. Every time she went there with him the two stayed in the car. Carefully tucked away behind dumpsters and industrial equipment the two would have sex in the back seat of the Pathfinder. This would be a break in the usual routine. She just wanted to get down to business, fuck, escape the pain inside for a bit and go home.
The two drove down the street to the Attic listening to the sounds of the BBC news announcer prattling on about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As they approached the industrial park, that sweet tuning fork-like vibration throughout her body came back to her.
He parked the car by the side of the building.
"I'll be right back." he said opening the driver's side door and shutting the car off. He went inside the non-descript, whitewashed building.
Again, she sat in the car alone. She opened the window, lit a cigarette. Inhaled. She wondered how long this was going to take. Her thoughts intruded again. How could her Aunt, the amazing woman that raised her all this time, be sick? Her Aunt put everyone else before herself. How could this happen to someone so kind? As she opened the car door to put the cigarette out on the ground, he came out of the building.
"They have weed. I want to go in and jam with them, too. Lenny is in there and I haven't seen him in a long time. Man, it's good to see him."
She frowned, "I'm nervous about going in. I can't smoke weed it makes me fucking paranoid. I don't want to go."
"It will be fine," he said. "Just come up for a little bit and then we'll know." he smirked showing a dimple.
"Okay." She relented. The dimple always got her.

In she went, right behind him. The building was a converted warehouse. Practice rooms were on each floor, flanked by two sets of staircase on each side of the building. She climbed the one flight of stairs, while staring through the threads to the ground below. Other bands were practicing on various floors. The sound echoed off the exposed metal stairs and doors.
She entered the room. The room held two couches, recording equipment and a space for a drum kit and a few guitar stands. The other men were adjusting guitars and cords. After she sat down, one of the others asked, "Hey, baby, you like the blues?"
"'Course," she sputtered nervously. She sat down on the couch, pressed herself firmly against the armrest. She wanted to disappear, to not take up any space on this couch, in this room.
Four of them played for a while. He played bass, trying feverishly to keep up. Then a fifth man entered with two brown paper bags. He offered bottles of wine coolers to the others and then to her. She took it. Liquid escape would have to get her through this moment, even if it was less than 5 percent alcohol.
They stopped playing. She watched everyone talk for a while. Soon everyone sat down. It was time to smoke. Which hopefully meant she would be out of this room soon.
He sat next to her. She felt he was nervous, too. A man on the left rolled a joint, lit it and passed it around. It went to one person, then the next and the next around the room. She took it and passed it to him. The joint went around again. Good this was almost over, as she finished the end of her wine cooler.
He got up and went for a smoke in the hallway, leaving her alone in the room with the strange men. They were talking about taking their act to Reno, NV and hoping to make it there. She sat in silence.
He entered the room again, asked if she was ready to go and the two exited the room. He said goodbye to those he knew. He knew few of them. He used them all. He used her, too. She used him in return.
She walked back downstairs and got into the Pathfinder. He relit his cigarette and got in the car. He pulled the car around back, next to a front-end loader.
"I was so nervous," she confessed, "they seem like a great bunch of guys, though" she sputtered cautiously.
"Yeah, though a bit misguided" he said.
She laughed.
He touched her thigh. She touched his.
He kissed her, the anxiety disappeared, and that tuning-fork sensation returned. The attention he gave her filled a void, deep in her chest cavity that reached her sad soul. He moved to the back seat. She joined him, removing clothes as she crawled between the seats.
Heavy breathing fogged the windows, while they fucked. It was crude and passionless. She did not come; he did. She just wanted to be wanted.
Her phone rang. She did not pick up. It rang again. She looked at the screen. It was Steve, her boyfriend. She'd have to call him later.
"Shit." she said aloud, not realizing it.
"What's wrong?" he said.
"Oh, ah, my Aunt just called. I have to get home. The nurse has left for the day."
"Okay, I'll drop you back at work. I just want to get a coffee first."
"Cool," she tries to mentally settle back down as she gets dressed again. What kind of monster has she become, she thinks?
He pulls out of the industrial park and puts the BBC back on the radio. He goes for his coffee. He talks about the news. She, though, preoccupied, keeps up her end of the conversation.
She feels better when she sees the familar street lights, businesses and buildings around her place of work. He drops her off across the street from the Chapel.
She gets out.
He says, "That was fun. I'll be online later. You?"
"Yeah, as soon as I take care of things at home."
He pulls away.
She vows to never do this with him again.
She lights her cigarette. She should call her boyfriend back. She should call her Aunt. She should not fuck random guys in industrial parks. She should....she should....she should. Her mind spins.
She finishes the cigarette, looks at the Chapel and doesn't smirk this time. She looks, curious, looking for a sign. Nothing happens. She's scared by what she just did and does not know why that has not prevented her from continuing to do it. Fear has always been a powerful motivator in her life. Christ, she never learned to ride a bike because she was so afraid of her frustrated father, his hands on the handlebars pushing her at lightening speed up the hill, upset that she could not ride. She shakes her head at the memory, looks down. Lost. Defeated. A few steps away is a bar. She goes in, asks the bartender for a PBR and two fingers of whiskey, and heads to the bathroom.
She looks at herself in the dusky, smeared mirror and sees the scared, little girl inside. The 8-year-old that disappointed her father because she would never learn to ride a bike. She doesn't know what is wrong. She doesn't know how to ask for help, or to whom to go to for this help. Her Aunt is unavailable. She does not want to be a burden, again, like she was when she was a child.
There is no one.

At the bar, she sipped the stale beer, cooling the flames from the shot of whiskey. She paid the barkeep and headed out, onto the street. She stood across from the chapel again. Lighting a cigarette she looked at the building. All stone, poured concrete at its base, gilded edges and eaves, stained glass windows, backlit by lights that showcased its pillars at night. She exhaled a plume of smoke and gritted her teeth, in a standoff with the building. It could have been the alcohol or the desperation that moved her. She found herself walking across the street, and into the chapel.
The last time she had been inside a church was for her mother's funeral two years ago. She remembers the blur of family members wearing black, incense, white clothes on the altar, sad faces, and a mixture of voices singing, prayers, spoken by all, echoing in her ears. Today was different. The chapel was quiet and still. Though she felt like a fraud inhabiting this sacred space, something felt right about it. She wasn't the badass she wanted everyone to think she was, she was a child without a mother. She wept for the first time in two years. The cries came in great sobs and her breath uncontrolled gave way to gasps. Thankfully no one was around. Just like that old saying went, she wanted the world to stop so she could get off.
She managed to pull herself together, wipe the tears and snot from her face, and leave the quiet chapel for the noisy sidewalk. Across the street, her car was still in the parking garage. She got in. She felt as confined in the car, as she was in the prison she created through her own actions. The disgust of what she had become could not be scrubbed off in the hottest shower. Every decision she made, every turn she took was always a quick fix for a much larger problem.

Thursday 23 March 2017


Jamadhi Verse
Far Beyond Bones

I feel you as a ghost -- deeply close,
wed somewhere far within.
I feel you living, shimmering along
the static edge of my enduring spirit
in electric phosphorescence.
Where tender muscle and flesh
tether and mesh, latch and connect
with bone to construct a home --
create a fleeting vehicle for my soul
to navigate this immense cathedral of life.
To filter in perceptions and feel the power
of the physical light that pierces through
the colorful windows of the mandala of my mind.

It blooms into ceaseless fractals –
repetitive, reactive patterns built upon
the complex fragments of both you and I
combined, slicing through time, reverberating
outwards through expansive space.
We are an exalted eternity of opening
and collapsing gates to the never-ending
center of this unfathomable plane.

I feel you as a ghost -- so deeply close.
Where all philosophy fails to breach.
Resting secretly where neither brain
nor name could ever truly reach.
Where heart and instinct ultimately meet
and give their gifts blissfully to
the soft sheets of nothingness.
It is there that we rest as
bated, staggered breath.
That holy jewel in hidden chest --
so lustrous in its loveliness
it completely outshines the beautiful,
dividing, shapeless outlines of each other.

Unified, we become a godly, static shudder --
a vibration that contracts, begets like mother—
delivering dreaming worlds that spin away, asunder,
blinded with joy as they find themselves born.

J.M. 2017

Tuesday 21 March 2017



I will always feel your presence
Through these quantum 
Ethereal waves
These strings they bind 
Through our time lines
Beyond the conscious states

Countless questions
Reasoning why
Staggeringly suspect
Those subtle lies

It seems quite complicated
Yet it's as simplistic as can be
Along came a wind of change
And blew two spirits free

Sunday 19 March 2017


3rd April 2025

The city seems silent but its only a ruse. They are waiting. Waiting for me and people like me. I rarely go out now, and when I do I wear a crucifix or a false beard.

When did this change happen? I'm not supposed to say things like this, but it was the Moslems who started it. It all began in East London. At first only a few women wore the hijab, their faces hidden behind black veils, then more and more filled the streets. Black flightless crows smothered our souls like black shirts before the last great war, pronouncing sterility and oppression. We allowed it! We foolishly looked away.

Yes, that was the beginning. Once more, religion, that smothering, corrupt, leaking ball of fabricated ancient factoids gained privileges imposing chains on body and mind.

After appearing on our streets veiled women appeared on our TVs, becoming regular events. The die was cast!

Any criticism of such behaviour was deemed rascist. Those concerned by the creeping imprint of the ignorant and arrogant were deemed ignorant and arrogant themselves.

Soon, other faiths demanded special rights. God-lust appeared everywhere. Yahweh and Allah became ubiguitous.


The killings began a year ago. Moslems went on the rampage stabbing any woman not fully covered, whether or not they were Moslems too. Although the culprits were arrested, any criticism of the murderers beliefs or reference to them was squashed by the authorities. Attacks on nightclubs and theatres began. People stopped attending out of fear.

The authorities began to turn a blind eye, afraid of accusations of prejudice. Soon religious killings became commonplace. Immans began encouraging the process, pressing their followers to even greater atrocities. Calls of 'Allah, Allah' reverberated like burps from hell.  Calls to prayer could be heard on every street corner, calls to murder. Moslems always claimed that they were attacked first.


A month after, Christian fundamentalists took to the streets, followed by Hindu fundamentalists. Sectarian warfare became another everyday occurance. We were not allowed to speak against it, as it was done in the name of god.


In the name of Yahweh and Allah, there is no more music or laughter. Anyone caught looking happy is summarily executed. Women are segregated. Men are again in charge! The unexamined boringness of religious virtue has swamped all cultural life. humanbeings have become mere insects, without thoughts, without ideas. The Tate and National Gallery have been raided by independent groups of Moslems and fundamentalist Christians, celebrated paintings have been torn apart, revered sculpture smashed, and in Trafagar Square proscribed books are regularly burned.

If I leave my home and any of the murdurous troup of priests and imams realise I do not believe in their homicidal creations, I will be cut up, hung, burnt in a communal pyre, strangled or/and tortured. Religion rules! Human kind is finished!

expiration date/poem

Jonathan Witte
Expiration Date

Nine years and still
we cradle our grief
carefully close,
like groceries
in paper bags.

Eventually the milk
will make its way
into the refrigerator;
the canned goods
will find their home
on pantry shelves.

Most things find
their proper place.

Eventually the hummingbirds
will ricochet against scorched air,
their delicate beaks stabbing
like needles into the feeder filled
with red nectar on the back porch.

Eventually our child 
will make her way
back to us. Perhaps.

But I’ve heard
that shooting
heroin feels
like being
buried under
an avalanche
of cotton balls.

For now it’s another
week, another month,
another trip to Safeway.

We drive home and wonder
why it is always snowing.
Behind a curtain of snow, 
brake lights pulse, turning
the color of cotton candy,
dissolving into ghosts.

And with each turn,
the groceries shift
in the seat behind us.
From the spot where
our daughter used to sit,
there is a rustling sound—

a murmur of words
crossed off yet another list,
a language we’ve budgeted
for but cannot afford to hear.

Friday 17 March 2017


I Wish I had a Willy!

written by: J.Ahlberg

If I only had a penis I could take it around with me
I’d get much more respect with an erect accessory.
It wouldn’t have to be that big, a little prick would do
A flashy sports car would extend it if it needs me to.
When the kids are needy, I’ll just point to it and say
“Sorry, I can’t help, because my dangler is in the way!”
While wife takes care of business at home for little praise
I’ll take my joystick out and get another big bucks raise.
When my work is mediocre I’ll wave wand above my head
And ping, just like magic, it'll all seem fantastic instead.
Mr. Johnson will say “what an anal achievement it is!”
Cos I’ll push and prod the prudes aside with it in my fist.
I’ll polish, pet and talk to it, and tell it tales about its greatness
For because of it I’ll be shameless and quite (woe)manly famous.
If I had a shaft, I'd sing excuses through my skin flute
And sugarcoat my lies in testosterone and a stripy suit.
Let’s face it; having a knob is all that really matters
A willy, a wanker, a weeny peeny teeny tally whacker.

Sunday 12 March 2017

short story site-bully bullied!

In addition, with regards to the previous post, the aforesaid individual, who clearly considers himself the greatest writer ever, early on declared to me that he told it as it is on the site. An extraordinary arrogance, I thought. Who was he to decide such matters? He didn't hide his punches. But it was interesting how quickly he fell apart when given a taste of his own medicine-the bully began to be bullied!

Unfortunately, all review sites have a number of such types and best therefore to be avoided if a new writer.


I placed several of my stories on a short story internet site for traction. Although each had previously been published several times in small magazines, the readership remains low. A good site, but to my horror it is a review one where members of the site put their views on people's work. While on the surface this seems an excellent idea, it is an invation to trolls-abusive types, hooked on power and with negative mindsets. I consequently got into arguments with a number, quarrelling with their arrogance, tendency to pontificate without the necessary knowledge and indeed with their general lack of writing experience and success.

I was told that my writing (style I think) was not modern but the reviewer was unable to say what he meant by that. Something about my sentences. I pointed out to him that there was not a modern style but modern writers who write in a number of different styles-Leonard is very different to McEwan for example. The impression I got was that his style, excellent in its fashion but dull, was  to be preferred and all others rubbish. He later attacked my graphic portrayals of violence, asserting that he did not like that kind of writing and consequently it was bad writing. How do you write about a head being cut off? Politely?

His nonsence in the end got to me. He clearly knows nothing about writing but acts as an expert. Many on these sites are like that. They are trolls and time wasters, eager for vulnerable people. Be wary of them. If you go on them, block the negative types. Incidentally, when I initially challenged the above gentleman he became abusive-calling me all sorts of names in very unwriterly language.

I wondered, and still do, how many young talents their ego-driven manipulative interventions have badly affected or destroyed.

Don't go on these sites if you are a young writer!

Thursday 9 March 2017

IN THE ICE/story

In the Ice

written by: Daniel S. Liuzzi

With the world’s climate changing, the face of the planet too is beginning to change with land being lost and mysteries being uncovered hidden in the Arctic landscape. One such geographic abnormality was discovered on a portion of Antarctica that’s near massive ice shelves that have been weakening from the rising temperature in the world. The anomaly detected is believed to be a mountain that’s partially submerged under what would have been prehistoric waters and hidden under snow till now. A multinational team of researchers have been dispatched to the site of the mountain with the hopes of gathering samples from the soils and rocks that make up the mountain in hopes of making new geological discoveries. The following were the brief emails sent to Dr. West from his colleague who headed the expedition before they sent a distress signal for immediate departure, abandoning the expedition.
Email 1
Dr. West, I’m updating you on the situation here in the arctic. No doubt news has reached the mainland if not the rest of the world that the largest shelf of ice to ever break off into the ocean has happened. I’m happy to say that the team and I are safe since we are about fifty miles away from where the shelf broke off. The expedition will continue as planned as we are not far from where the “mountain range” was located under the ice by satellites, personally I think the only good that may come from this warming is that this geological discovery was made possible. Our team’s navigator Koit from Estonia said we should reach the peaks of the mountains that are protruding from the ice in the morning. From there we will set up the equipment and begin to extract samples from the mountain itself and surrounding ice. With any luck we may find frozen samples of prehistoric plant life.
Email 2
We can see the tops of the mountain sticking out of the ice nearly a half mile away this morning! To preserve the integrity of the samples we decided to set up base right here about a half mile away from the peaks. After we set up base the team’s head engineers Christophe and Allen (Christophe is the German I told you about and Allen was that foremen from the oil rig in Texas) decided to head to the peaks themselves to survey the scene before we set up the drills and extractors later. On their way to the peaks the two are placing markers with nylon cord from the camp to the mountain site in the event if we have to cross this landscape in heavy snowfall. I think I spoke too soon, the weather was fair but suddenly clouds rolled in and the wind picked up blowing snow all around like thick dust. The rest of the team took shelter in the main tent that holds up to this ferocious wind.
Email 3
While one of our researchers Jae Hwa the Geologist from Korea is showing off her cooking skills and treating the team to some spicy soup from home (a talent indeed that will help moral for the next few days!), Koit and I kept an eye out for our engineers. As we looked on in the white curtain that now hid the mountain peaks, after several minuets we saw a shadow coming out from the distance dragging something. It was Christophe with a makeshift litter being dragged behind him and inside was Allen tied up and rambling, “We gotta get out of here! We gotta blow it up or something!” was the most I could make out from his episodic screaming. The team’s medic Dr. Martin (of Canada) sedated Allen which restored some form of order in the cramped tent. I have taken Christophe aside into another tent to ask him about what happened that turned the normally docile Allen into panicked disarray. What he told me sounded a bit far fetch and I fear it would cause concern among the rest of the team so I asked Christophe to keep our conversation between us. I won’t say all that Christophe has told me but I thought you should know Dr. West that it seems the peaks sticking out of the ice in the distance are not Geological but Biological in nature. I’m intrigued by this revelation and will look into myself when the weather clears up.
Email 4
Sorry for the delay! The storm wrecked havoc on getting any type of signal! The snow has stopped falling but the winds are still blowing kicking up snow from the ground making it too risky to attempt to approach the (between us I’m now calling it) anomaly. Regardless of the wind, we were able to construct the infirmary structure at the request of Dr. Martin. Doc and I shared the same concerns about Allen scaring the others on the team. When he’s sedated he sleeps but when the sedative wears off he starts to panic and continue his rants. With that we feel that he should be kept separate from the others and allow time for him to talk with Doc and myself with the hopes of calming him so we don’t have to call for an extraction for him which would delay the expedition even more. Christophe has been distant from the others, an act of which I can’t tell if he was affected by the “incident” as well or if he’s afraid he’ll not be able to contain himself and tell the rest of the team what he and Allen have found, I’ll talk with him later.
Email 5
Since my last Email I’ve talked with Christophe who now seems a little more relaxed but he chose to stay in the infirmary with Allen who’s slowly with the help of Dr. Martin, gaining back his composure and only needs a sedative to sleep. My plan is to get both Christophe and Allen to tell me everything they saw at the anomaly before the weather fully clears; I guess I forgot to mention that the winds are still raging!
Email 6
There’s been a development since I emailed you earlier today! I don’t know what time it would be there but right now as I type it's 3:44 in the morning. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep what Christophe told me to myself, the rest of the team is suspicious after what just occurred. After another day of boredom waiting out this storm all of us retired early with the hopes that the weather will break and we can construct the rest of the camp and begin work. At 3AM we were awakened by a sound I’ll admit I’ve never heard before and vibrated the ice we’re on and echoed over the wind! Almost on cue both Allen and Christophe had fits screaming and acting mortified by the sounds. After fighting and sedating both of them myself and Dr. Martin tried to tell everyone the sounds we were hearing must be the groaning of the ice since that massive ice shelf broke off a few days ago. I knew what we were saying was a lie and I think the other members of the team knew it. Jae Hwa said the sounds we heard sounded animalistic, almost like a whale call mixed with a guttural elephant growl, dammit I forgot she’s also a marine biologist! With doubt in place I should tell you before I tell the rest in the morning about what Christophe told me.
Before the snowstorm hit, Christophe and Allen reached what we thought were rocky peaks of a mountain but found it was really emaciated appendages of some animal the likes of which neither man has seen before. Christophe in his broken English compared the size of this creature of that of an average size adult fisherman holding onto a striped bass but if the man was the creature the bass would be a blue whale. The limbs which may have been elbows or spines are covered in a blackish grey flesh which shimmered green depending on the direction of light from the sun. The ice surrounding it almost acted like a window that showed the ghastly head of the creature that was tilted sideways with a globular ash colored eye gazing up with a dead stare at the men. The head looked like a snub-nosed crocodile with no lower jaw and instead of teeth was what looked to be baleen but made up of clawed tentacle-like arms.
If what Christophe told me was true and if the sounds we heard this morning were from that, I have no choice but to go myself tomorrow braving the storm and see for myself if the last part of the German’s recount of finding this creature is true.
Final Email
West, words can’t describe the dreadfulness and majesty of what I saw today in the ice. It was as Christophe said; the mountains were actually the bent elbows of something frozen in place. The ghastly insectoid-reptilian head I could see clearly under the ice as if it was glass. I stared into the swimming pool sized mirroresque eyeball of the creature and saw myself and Jae Hwa’s (who accompanied me) reflections in it. Then it happened, the thing that made Allen lose his reason, as I walked around the perimeter of the ice the creature's eye followed me. At least it looked like it was so I thought; it could possibly be an optical illusion that makes it look like the eye followed me. I stomped on the ice as if I wanted to make the frozen beast flinch for my amusement but it was I who flinched. The mirror like eye slid up revealing that it was a third eyelid and the real eye, a fiery-colored reptilian like eye with what may be the pupil resembling the surface of a compound eye the likes of which you find on houseflies! The large eyeball’s glance shot right into my direction telling me and my fellow terrified companion, whatever this creature is in the ice is still alive but only the ice is keeping it there! With the latest ice shelf falling only means we are on borrowed time before this hellish thing is freed! God only knows what it’s capable of and lord help us if there are more or worse things like this somewhere else in the world about to be freed!