Monday 24 June 2013


This is new English site-try it!

Friday 21 June 2013

ESOL teaching

Approaches to teaching ESOL vary according to the culture of the student. Teaching methods in other countries can be very different and often a student expects the same teaching method here that they have experienced at home. In some cultures, evaluation of material is rarely taught and students are merely passive recipients of a teacher's largesse in class. Some students from repressive, conservative cultures, such as Pakistan for example, allow the freedom they have in this country go to their heads and become impossible to deal with. Of course, the quality of students and nature of colleges play their part.

Monday 17 June 2013


Unfortunately, the level of English amongst lecturers in private colleges is extremely low. I've come across a number of gems, some in our book. Clearly, not only is the standard now low but is now much lower in universities outside of the major ones such as Durham and London. I worked with lecturers with posts in Buckingham University and if I were a serious student within such facilities I'd demand my money back. I had to correct the work of lecturers studying PHDs in Buckingham. At times the English was appalling, and would have been appalling for a 15 year old doing GCSE.

Sunday 16 June 2013


Dan, the owner, is one of the most unpleasant individuals I have ever met and worse is one of the most ignorant, very frightening to meet in a place of education. He has no knowledge whatsoever, unless you count thievery. A BBC journalist friend of mine commented to me the other day: "British governments had opened up education for private funding and had more or less invited criminal types in." The establishment, an old term but worth reviving, are shockingly gullible with limited knowledge it seems of many disagreeable types in society.

I will take the matter to the employment tribunal in order to maximize the money I can claim and then if necessary take it to the small claims court. Of course Dan is engaged in fraud but although I've informed Edexcel and Student finance, I'm sure they will ignore me.

Thursday 13 June 2013


A postscript to my unsavory adventures with CCP training college. The owner, a thoroughly unpleasant man with very limited intelligence did not pay me. With admirable sadism he played cat and mouse, pretending he would but had no intention of doing so.

The government is to blame, all those from Blair onward, as each gave free reign to criminals to open colleges in Britain. Then examinations bodies like Edexcel gave them the right to run courses. None noticed it seems the thuggery and stupidity of these individuals. QAA, quality assurance in this area, is now busy doing the same. Ah, the gullibility of the professional classes!

Sunday 2 June 2013

I have completed a stint with this training facility in North London that does PTTLS, CTTLS and DTTLS teaching training courses. Just another crooked operation unfortunately. Of interest yet again is the owner, who possesses the extraordinary egotism of small business men or of perhaps all businessmen. Is it the power, which is of course localised, or the money that makes them believe that they are, contrary to all appearances, magnificent examples of intelligence and talent. They have the ability to make money, not to be dismissed, but seem rarely to possess high intelligence. What they possess is cunning and amorality in bucket fulls.

Once again, although this is a training school, the owner has little grasp of education. He would throughout the day send me barely intelligible instructions on this or that course that had little to do with reality. Businessmen tend to identify their expertise through the number of ideas they generate-much like Steven Jobs. Unfortunately, this gentleman and most others of his profession do not possess the genius of the late Job, nor a tiny percentage of it. The above owner, like many in this field, gained modest riches because of the lack of regulations and the inefficiency of the various agencies, which often cannot see the crookery or turn a blind eye to it.

The above gentleman has little knowledge of or regard for English Employment Law. He sees himself as the complete master of all he surveys. He makes the rules not governments. At five foot he is something of a bully, believing if he pays people he has rights over them. In fact, he is all in all a nasty piece of work.