Sunday 20 October 2019

FREUD and psychiatry

Freud: the problem with psychiatry.

Amazon. Stanley Wilkin. 99p at present.

Do you have suicidal feelings, dark thoughts on alienation. The cause might not be you but the drug your doctor has prescribed.

Saturday 5 October 2019

FREUD-the problem with psychiatry. Amazon, at present 99p

Psychiatry is probably the most damaging medical process at present.

For example, the expansion of mental illness is likely to be caused by psychiatric (psychotropic) drugs.

Doctors routinely deny the damaging effects of their drugs.

So do the pharmaceutical companies.

The damage done is observable and recorded but as the medical profession and pharmaceutical companies assess their efficacy through experiments and tests on mice and rats the differential between their results and observable results is dramatic. Their drugs work fine on mice thereby they must work fine on humans!

Psychiatric ideas are based on extreme reductionism, backed up by experiments on rodents. Psychiatry does not debate their ideas, but simply assume they are correct and then from there develop treatments. Some of these treatments, like lobotomies, are highly destructive and would not be out of place in the narrative of NAZI abuse methodology. Destructive treatments tend to be performed on the poor and vulnerable within society. 

horror-for the week


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The drip of rain
becomes a torrent,
the drip, drip, drip
becomes a flood,
the drip, drip, drip becomes
a deluge and the ark, the hundreth ark,
rolls on the waves for eternity.