Sunday 29 May 2016

Qu'ran 2.178

Qu'ran 2:178

believers, retaliation  is decreed for you in bloodshed: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and a female for a female.'

In the book itself and insisted upon by Moslems is the idea that the Qu'ran is an original word sent by god and its words cannot be seen elsewhere. Rubbish! The above is an example of Talion law found in the Torah and also in Hummarabi's Law Codes 2000 years before the Qu'ran was composed.

Nothing new or original here! Hoe ancient! How barbaric!

Many Moslem states swear by these ancient codes-such as Saudi Arabia, Bruni, and of course ISIS.

Friday 27 May 2016


The sea soared and birds
fled the storms
the sky expanded-the bad weather grew-
the ship
touched the tips of each swell
juggled by the waves.

Its main mast snapped!
the sails fluttered
like ghosts.

The ship and its sailors died
like all things die!

Thursday 12 May 2016


At night the raven
descends, its wings beating
against the shadows-
its silhouette covering the moon
in bruises-
Howling dogs fill the void with fear!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

JOE BLACKWORTH (1936-2001)

For hundreds of years
we made freedom
out of shattered bodies and minds,
which was shared-

Away from intolerant societies
the suffocating regime of barren religion,
they thought,
awash with choice,
that their society was superior to that
which sustained them.
Their lives controlled and concrete-
without doubt and uncertainty-
everything there, in a book, read by
and interpreted by untutored men.
Their love of god
far greater than their love of men and women.
Their desire for heaven
far greater than other's suffering.

Joe Blackworth

The woman in black,
only her unsmiling face visible
stalks the sidewalk
signalling religion like a war cry-
commanding space like a leper.

She does not want men to note
her body-
but few anyway would,
she wants only her husband to admire her-
she is a possession.

When he dies
She marries another.
Then another-
Her blackness shielding her otherwise from life.
In the end, for her, all is marriage and sex.

Joe Blackworth=1936-2001

The church was like a demon
sucking up souls-
the mosque was a cave
swallowing up minds,

both employ brainwashing
and thereby
abuse the young.

The believing, trusting three year old
told the Qu'ran is god's word,
that it is the final word.

Friends, we live in the maddest of worlds
where immense knowledge
shares space in individual minds with immense ignorance.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Joe Blackworth-My Sister-a poem

My mother sewed seeds from dawn until dusk
My father kept sheep-
My brother tended pigs in his backyard-
They all attended church every Sunday.
My sister was a whore.

All had busted backs when they were fifty,
My sister had a big house in New York.
All had religion,
But my sister had the money.
At ninety, with everyone else long dead,
She lives in glorious luxury
Smiling gently at all those hard-working people
Who believe in god.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Did Muhammad kill?

I had a chat with a Moslem man yesterday-a nice, charming man-which turned onto his religion, of which he is, as usual, proud. I voiced my objections (without losing my head) that his religion was violent and that his prophet killed people. He denied this! It seemed he had never heard this accusation before!

I will do more research on the matter.

He responded that Islam was a religion of peace but I replied that this concerned only one line in the entire corpus, and evidence did not support this.

But at least we discussed it! The nonsense of Islamaphobia has effectively stopped discussion. It needs to be looked at, and the evidence laid out.

We also discussed men, especially married men, talking to women, especially married women. He saw it as wrong as it could lead to intimacy. I told him that was rubbish, his view indicated ownership of women, and also a low opinion of women. Many Moslems adhere to this! This is dirty mindedness!

He asserted, as all Moslem's appear to, that the words of the qu'ran cannot be found anywhere else. I told him this was not true, as much of the qu'ran can be found in Leviticus-which he would not have read or knew much about. I said that he'd learned this in his Mosque, from an Imam. He'd simply believed it. Imam's seem to be uneducated types, without knowledge of anything but the Moslem corpus.