Friday 30 August 2019

horror on amazon

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horror stories and poetry
The carniverous school
the obsessed lover
Halloween in a small village

Monday 26 August 2019

Flood-to be announced shortly

The sea crept relentlessly forward and enveloped the land.
New York became a row of concrete fingers
sticking above the waves, gesturing obscenely,
London a few steeples peering above the water
in final gasps as history sank,
And Hong Kong disappeared
leaving the battling mainland to take care of itself..

Music played in the watery depth
as dogs and cats fought for breath
and paris deluged by the seine
got newly battered by storm and rain

and no one visited it again
no one visited it again

No one visited the Mona Lisa
No one remembered her smile
under the river water,
her smile more sarcastic as the tides
tickled her chin
and her mouth opened wide to let the water in.

Saturday 24 August 2019


he lost his leg the other day,
in the morning it was there
in the afternoon it walked away
.He did not care
it seems or worry
but legged after it in staggering leaps
like a lion after its quarry.
and now both he and his fugive leg sleeps
under a passing lorry.

Tuesday 20 August 2019


Life is the body's way of telling us we are not dead yet.

Thursday 15 August 2019


What has happened
when did it come
why did it stay
and when will it go?

It is dumb, it will not say.