Friday, 20 November 2015


Although clearly most Moslems are decent people who in many ways honour life, separating their beliefs from that of Isis, the truth of the matter is that Islamic terrorism is dependent on the Koran. It is a matter of interpretation.

1) The Koran is at times a violent book, asserting that god engages in violence and that Moslems have a right to employ violence. The Koran is of its time and describes the conflicts between Meccans (pagans) and the disciples of Mohammed. Its invocations of the right of defence is based within that period when Mohammed and his followers were fighting for survival.
2) Moslems put a lot of credence on the martial success of their ancestors, saying that this proves the authenticity of their god.
3) Mohammed was a religious warlord who massacred peoples. Exactly as Isis has done.
4) Moslems belief that the Koran is the end of all books. It is the final literary and philosophical statement. This can be considered true only if the IQ of the general population is extremely low. The Koran is poorly written, confused and badly structured. Surely a supreme being can do better? Moslem's are dissuaded or prevented from reading anything else so they do not read philosophy, or anything that raises issues or presents alternative ideas.
5) Moslems are not taught to critique the Koran but accept it as unvarnished truth. They therefore find evaluation, synthesis, cognition on a higher level difficult to impossible.
6) Islam has long presented an ideological fortress against outside influence but now-------
7) Isis is the direct result of Islam, Moslem populations, coming into the powerful influence of Western culture-Plato, Hume, Locke, Mills, Sartre, et  al. It is a defence against those influences. Although there has been considerable secular modification of Islam through this contact (there is nevertheless evidence of original Islamic tolerance), many Moslems becoming humanistic in approach, others have become deeply entrenched in their views.
8) Moslem societies put god before human life. This alone accounts for the proliferation of suicide bombers.

Conclusion: No matter how Moslems distance themselves from Isis, the terrorists' behaviour is modelled on the Koran.

The excuse that this all the fault of the West, although carrying some degree of truth, ignores history or manipulates it.
1) The USA's protection of Moslem populations in the Balkans.
2) The existence of extreme Islam in Europe in the very early 1990s. I came across several Moslems who voiced a determination during this period to make all of Britain follow Sharia law-a particularly barbaric justice system based not on Islam but very ancient Mesopotamian law codes. Extreme Moslem student groups 25 years ago in London universities who tried to force women from speaking with male students.
3) Bin Laden's rationale for instituting terrorism-that infidel armies were on holy soil, i.e Saudi Arabia. There of course at the request of the Saudi's to defend them against Saddam Hussein's approaching armies.

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