Tuesday, 25 August 2015

milliband, etc-last bite

With reference to my recent blogs:

Islam can no more be given a special place in this or any other society. Any politician who aids the self-delusion of Moslems regarding their religion should be avoided. In Britain we would not give such rights to fundamentalist Christians, so why an equally bad religious group? Throughout most of its history, Islam has been anti-intellectual, anti-creativity, concentrating on the burblings of a violent and sex obsessed, uneducated religious megalomaniac. Our obsession, as a specie, with violent, forceful types-Mohammed, Mao, Stalin, Hitler-should properly cease.

The idea that Islam brings correct behaviour into society is part of that delusion. It has a narrow, depressing view of morality. Its belief that it is a religion of peace is hardly confirmed by either the koran or its arrogant imams, demanding death at every turn. Violence should have absolutely no place in religion.

Islam's focus upon belligerent, politically obsessed imams, strange for some like myself brought up in a culture that separates religion and politics, its confusion between politics, social control and religion, should make even naïve politicians like Milliband be more careful when offering it support.

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